To add our SDK to your own application, you should add it to the build process of your application. Currently we support doing this using CocoaPods or Carthage.
To add the repository to your project, open the Podfile
, if it does not exist,
first run pod init
in the root of your project with Xcode closed.
Edit the target part of your application in the Podfile
, so that it contains the
following, making sure it includes your credentials:
pod 'Klippa-Identity-Verification', podspec: ''
The full Podfile
might look like this now:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Your-Project-Name' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for Your-Project-Name
pod 'Klippa-Identity-Verification', podspec: ''
When you run pod install
now, it should download our library as dependency, and with that all
dependencies of our library.
Note: this code always uses the latest version, you can also use a specific
version to make sure the SDK won't update without your knowledge.
To add the repository to your project, open the Cartfile
, if it does not exists,
create a Cartfile
alongside your .xcodeproj
or .xcworkspace.
Add the following to your Cartfile
, making sure it includes your credentials:
binary ""
When you run carthage update
now, it should download our library as dependency, and with that
all dependencies of our library.
Note: this code always uses the latest version, you can also use a specific
version to make sure the SDK won't update without your knowledge.
If you want to use the Camera capabilities inside of the Identity SDK please add the following to your
Name Privacy - Camera Usage Description
<string>Your Camera usage description here.</string>
If you want to use the Near field communication (NFC) capabilities inside of the Identity SDK please add the following to your
Name Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description
<string>Your NFC usage description here.</string>
Name ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session
Important: When using NFC also add "Near Field Communication Tag Reading" capability to your app using the Signing & Capabilities pane of the project editor.
Before you can start using the identity verification you need to generate a session token in your backend. You can then start the session using your newly generated token. Once the session has been completed you can collect the files and data read by the OCR.
In the ViewController that you want to launch the identity verification, implement the
// Add to the top of your file
import KlippaIdentityVerification
// Your class definition should look like this.
final class ExampleIdentityVerificationViewController: UIViewController, IdentityBuilderDelegate {
// ... Rest of your controller code.
func startIdentityVerification() {
// @todo: get a session token from the API through your backend here.
let builder = IdentityBuilder(builderDelegate: self, sessionKey: "{insert-session-token-here}")
// Build returns a viewController UIViewController that you can present.
let viewController =
self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func identityVerificationFinished() {
func identityVerificationCanceled(withError: KlippaError) {
print("canceled with error: \(withError)")
func identityVerificationContactSupportPressed() {
// ... Rest of your controller code.
When you want to start the identity verification, for example after a button click,
call the startIdentityVerification
Note: Currently iOS Simulators are not supported due to incompatible binaries.
The SDK has a few customizing settings, the following methods are available:
To configure whether to show intro/success screens, add the following to the builder:
builder.hasIntroScreen = true
builder.hasSuccessScreen = true
builder.kivColors.textColor =
builder.kivColors.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
builder.kivColors.progressBarBackground = UIColor.lightGray
builder.kivColors.progressBarForeground =
builder.kivColors.successColor = UIColor.purple
builder.kivColors.errorColor =
builder.kivColors.otherColor = UIColor.lightGray
builder.kivFonts.fontName = "ComicSans"
builder.kivFonts.boldFontName = "ComicSans"
We currently support English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish.
Note: It's currently not possible to change the strings.
builder.kivLanguage = .Dutch
To configure how often a user can attempt a task before the contact support button is shown to the user.
builder.retryThreshold = 1
The ability to automatically take a photo of the document when it passes all checks.
builder.enableAutoCapture = true
The extracted data keys that will be shown to the user after the document has been processed.
builder.kivVerifyIncludeList = [
The extracted data keys that will be hidden from the user after the document has been processed.
builder.kivVerifyExcludeList = []
You can edit the validation include list: the failed validations that are shown to the user Or the validation exclude list: the failed validations that are hidden from the user.
For more information regarding validations check out the API documentation.
builder.kivValidationIncludeList = [
builder.kivValidationIncludeList = []
The dependency download size itself is 67.3MB when extracted, but it contains builds for multiple architectures, it depends on the architecture of the phone how much the SDK is going to add to the app size:
Sandbox Issue
In case you encounter issues related to the Sandbox, you can disable the ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING
by following these steps:
Apple Silicon Architecture Issue
If you are using a Mac computer with an Apple silicon chip and facing problems building this SDK for iOS simulators, you can resolve this by following these steps:
The following versions are available:
Version | Podspec include URL | Cartfile dependency | Binary download |
0.6.2 | | binary "" == 0.6.2 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.6.1 | | binary "" == 0.6.1 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.6.0 | | binary "" == 0.6.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.20 | | binary "" == 0.5.20 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.19 | | binary "" == 0.5.19 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.18 | | binary "" == 0.5.18 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.17 | | binary "" == 0.5.17 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.16 | | binary "" == 0.5.16 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.15 | | binary "" == 0.5.15 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.14 | | binary "" == 0.5.14 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.13 | | binary "" == 0.5.13 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.12 | | binary "" == 0.5.12 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.11 | | binary "" == 0.5.11 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.10 | | binary "" == 0.5.10 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.9 | | binary "" == 0.5.9 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.8 | | binary "" == 0.5.8 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.7 | | binary "" == 0.5.7 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.6 | | binary "" == 0.5.6 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.5 | | binary "" == 0.5.5 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.4 | | binary "" == 0.5.4 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.3 | | binary "" == 0.5.3 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.2 | | binary "" == 0.5.2 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.1 | | binary "" == 0.5.1 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.5.0 | | binary "" == 0.5.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.4.0 | | binary "" == 0.4.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.3.0 | | binary "" == 0.3.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.2.0 | | binary "" == 0.2.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.1.1 | | binary "" == 0.1.1 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.1.0 | | binary "" == 0.1.0 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
0.0.7 | | binary "" == 0.0.7 | Fat framework (.xcarchive) | XCFramework |
to KlippaError
for cases where we fail to initialize the Camera.hasSuccessScreen
was set to false.KIVColors.otherColor
is now used instead.liveness
in FieldValidation
was setup when creating a session.French
and German
photo taking indication; now just the border changes color.kivColors.progressBarForeground
on IdentityBuilder
and kivValidationExcludeList
to IdentityBuilder
which can be used to include/exclude validations.AllowPictureFallback
which can be configured when creating a session token.done
button did not appear on some devices in manual MRZ form.SkipPassportBackPicture
in the session configuration.retryThreshold
on IdentityBuilder
(default is 3). When this button is tapped identityVerificationContactSupportPressed()
is called and the session is ended.textColor
was not being set correctly on some textFields
error if camera permissions were denied or are restricted.RequiredLivenessCount
to 0.MatchDocumentSides
was set to true.RequiredNFCScanCount
to 1.iOS 13.0
to identityVerificationFinished()
to identityVerificationCanceled(withError:)
to identityVerificationContactSupportPressed()
.builder.isDebug = true
). Please note that due to this change you will have also have to call the production API ( from your backend.contactSupportPressed()
and builder.kivVerifyExcludeList