Including the SDK library in your webpage

To add our SDK to your own application, you should include the script in your webpage. Currently we only support adding the Javascript directly using a script tag.

Include the script tag

Add the following HTML on the page that you want to use the SDK:

<script src=""></script>


Include the css tag

Add the following HTML on the page that you want to use the SDK:

<link href=""/>


Note: you can also download the Javascript and CSS to serve it from your website assets.

Adding basic HTML markup

There is only one element required in your HTML, an empty element for the modal interface to mount itself on:

<!-- At the bottom of your page, you need an empty element where the
verification component will be mounted. -->
<div id='klippa-identity-verification'></div>

Creating sessions

Before you can start using the identity verification you need to generate a session token in your backend. You can then start the session using your newly generated token. Once the session has been completed you can collect the files and data read by the OCR.

Starting the identity verification

You are now ready to initialize the SDK, add the following code in the function where you want to launch the session:

// @todo: get a session token from the API here.

  token: '{insert-session-token-here}',
  // id of the element you want to mount the component on
  containerId: 'klippa-identity-verification',
  onComplete: function() {
    console.log("everything is complete")
    // You can now trigger your backend to validate the session and continue

** Be aware! Make sure to load the SDK over an SSL-connection (https). Otherwise the HTML5 camera will fail to load**

Congratulations! You have successfully started the flow. Carry on reading the next sections to learn how to:

  • Handle callbacks
  • Remove the SDK from the page
  • Customize the SDK
  • Create checks

Handling callbacks


onComplete {Function} optional

Callback that fires when both the document and face have successfully been captured and uploaded. At this point you can trigger your backend to create a check by making a request to the Klippa API.

Here is an onComplete callback example:

  token: '{insert-session-token-here}',
  containerId: 'klippa-identity-verification',
  onComplete: function(data) {
    console.log("everything is complete")
    // You can now trigger your backend to validate the session and continue


onError {Function} optional

Callback that fires when an error occurs. The callback returns the following errors types:

exception: This type will be returned for the following errors:

  • Timeout and server errors
  • Authorization
  • Invalid token

The data returned by this type of error should be used for debugging purpose.

expired_token: This error will be returned when a token is expired. This error type can be used to provide a new token at runtime.

Here is an example of the data returned by the onError callback:

// Example of data returned for an `exception` error type
  type: "exception",
  message: "The request could not be understood by the server, please check your request is correctly formatted"

// Example of data returned for an `expired_token` error type
  type: "expired_token",
  message: "The token has expired"


onModalRequestClose {Function} optional

Callback that fires when the user attempts to close the modal. It is your responsibility to decide then to close the modal or not by changing the property isModalOpen.

Removing the SDK

If you are embedding the SDK inside a single page app, you can call the tearDown function to remove the SDK completely from the current webpage. It will reset state and you can safely re-initialize the SDK inside the same webpage later on.

klippaOut = KlippaIDVerification.init({...})

Customizing the identity verification

The SDK offers a variety of customization settings, and the following options are available:

  • token {String} required

    An auth token is required in order to authorize with the Klippa API. If one isn’t present, an exception will be thrown.

  • getTokenFromUrl {Boolean} optional

    It's possible to let the SDK fetch the token from the current URL. By default the SDK will look for a query value by using the key string named token. This could be customized by setting the urlTokenKey option to something else.

    The default value is false.

  • urlTokenKey {String} optional

    The query string parameter that will be used to get the token when getTokenFromUrl is enabled.

    Default value is "token".

  • useModal {Boolean} optional

    Turns the SDK into a modal, which fades the background and puts the SDK into a contained box.


    var klippa = {};
    function triggerKlippa() {
        klippa = KlippaIDVerification.init({
            useModal: true,
            isModalOpen: true,
            onModalRequestClose: function() {
                // Update options with the state of the modal
                klippa.setOptions({isModalOpen: false})
            token: 'token',
            onComplete: function(data) {
                // callback for when everything is complete
                console.log("everything is complete")

    To call the SDK as a modal, you can trigger it from a button. For example:

    <!-- Use a button to trigger the Klippa SDK UI  -->
    <button onClick="triggerKlippa()">Verify identity</button>
    <div id='klippa-identity-verification'></div>
  • isModalOpen {Boolean} optional

    In case useModal is set to true, this defines whether the modal is open or closed. To change the state of the modal after calling init() you need to later use setOptions() to modify it.

    The default value is false.


    onModalRequestClose: function() {
        // Update options with the state of the modal
        klippa.setOptions({ isModalOpen: true });
  • shouldCloseOnOverlayClick {Boolean} optional

    In case useModal is set to true, the user by default can close the SDK by clicking on the close button or on the background overlay. You can disable the user from closing the SDK on background overlay click by setting the shouldCloseOnOverlayClick to false.

    The default value is true.

  • containerId {String} optional

    A string of the ID of the container element that the UI will mount to. This needs to be an empty element.

    The default ID is "klippa-identity-verification".

  • language {String} optional

    The SDK language can be customized by passing a language string. At the moment, we support and maintain translations for English (default) and Dutch using respectively the following locale tags: en, nl. To leverage one of these languages, the language option should be passed as a string containing a supported language tag. If language is not present the default copy will be in English.

    The default value is "en".

  • messages {Object} optional

    The default translation messages can be overridden by providing a messages: {} object to the init method. This will do a deep merge to override only the provided strings.


    messages: {
      intro: {
        title: "Start your ID verification",
        description: "Make sure you have your documents at hand.",
        buttonText: "Start now"
        intro: {
            title: "Start your identity verification",
            description: "Make sure you have your identity documents at hand. The process will just take 1 minute.",
            buttonText: "Start now"
        steps: {
            takePictureIDFront: {
                straight: {
                    title: "Take a picture of the front of your identity document",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
                angle: {
                    title: "Take another picture of the front of your identity document from an angle",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
            takePictureIDBack: {
                straight: {
                    title: "Take a picture of the back of your identity document",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
                angle: {
                    title: "Take another picture of the back of your identity document from an angle",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
            extractedData: {
                title: "This is the data that we extracted. Please validate it:",
                failure: "We were not able to extract any data, please try again",
                explanation: "",
                buttonText: "Go to next step"
            takeSelfie: {
                straight: {
                    title: "Take a selfie without smiling looking straight into the camera",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
                smile: {
                    title: "Now take a selfie with a smile looking straight into the camera",
                    buttonText: "Take picture"
            captureSignature: {
                title: "Put a signature in the square below using your finger.",
                description: "Make sure it is similar to the one on your identity documents.",
                signBoxPlaceholder: "Sign in this space",
                buttonText: "Approve signature"
            liveness: {
                up: {
                    title: "Take a picture with your head tilted upwards"
                down: {
                    title: "Take a picture with your head tilted downwards"
                left: {
                    title: "Take a picture with your head tilted leftwards"
                right: {
                    title: "Take a picture with your head tilted rightwards"
                buttonText: "Take picture"
        general: {
            buttons: {
                retakeIDPictures: "Take ID-pictures again",
                back: "Back",
                contactSupport: "Contact support",
                closeModal: "Close",
                retryCameraPermission: "Click here to try again",
                submit: "Submit",
                retake: "Retake photo"
            labels: {
                Surname: "Surname",
                DateOfIssue: "Issue date",
                DateOfBirth: "Date of birth",
                DateOfExpiry: "Expiration date",
                Gender: "Gender",
                DocumentType: "Document type",
                DocumentSubtype: "Document subtype",
                PersonalNumber: "Personal number",
                PlaceOfBirth: "Place of birth",
                Residency: "Residency",
                M: "Male",
                F: "Female",
                X: "Unspecified",
                Signature: "Signature",
                DocumentNumber: "Document number",
                Nationality: "Nationality",
                identity_card: "Identity card",
                passport: "Passport",
                IssuingCountry: "Issuing country",
                IssuingInstitution: "Issuing institution",
                GivenNames: "Given names",
                picture: "Picture",
                Face: "Face",
                Height: "Height"
            messages: {
                "The session has expired": "The session has expired",
                review: "Review picture",
                redirectToMobile: "Continue on mobile",
                button: {
                    copyUrl: "Copy URL"
                camera: {
                    permissionError: "Oops! We don't have your camera permission or your camera is already in use by another application. Please allow access to your camera in your browser and click 'try again'.",
                    cameraInUse: "Oops! Your camera is in use by another process. Please make sure to close other processes that use your camera and try again",
                    notDetected: "Camera not detected",
                    notDetectedText: " We could not detect a camera to be used for taking the photo.",
                    qrCodeText: "Scan this QR code on a mobile device with a webcam/camera to continue your session",
                    qrCodeExplanation: "For the best verification results, our advice is to continue the flow on your mobile. Scan this QR code with your phone and follow the steps, or copy this url and open it on your phone browser"
                generalError: "Oops! Something went wrong.",
                onSuccess: {
                    title: "Your identity has successfully been verified!",
                    description: "You can now start using application by using the launch button below",
                    buttonText: "Launch app",
                    icon: "Succeeded icon"
                onFailure: {
                    title: "Oops! Your identity could not be verified.",
                    description: "Please try the failed steps again, or Contact support",
                    buttonText: "Retry failed steps"
                onIncomplete: {
                    title: "Oops! Your identity could not be verified.",
                    description: "You can still start using the application by using the launch button below, we will verify your identity manually.",
                    buttonText: "Launch app"
        validations: {
            id: {
                DetectFace: {
                    Success: "Identity document: face detected",
                    FaceNotDetected: "Identity document: face not detected"
                CompareFace: {
                    Success: "Identity document: faces match",
                    FacesDoNotMatch: "Identity document: faces do not match",
                    Error: "Identity document: could not compare face"
            selfie: {
                DetectFace: {
                    Success: "Selfie: face detected",
                    FaceNotDetected: "Selfie: face not detected",
                    SelfieNotLive: "Selfie: no live face detected"
                CompareFace: {
                    Success: "Selfie: faces match",
                    FacesDoNotMatch: "Selfie: faces do not match",
                    Error: "Selfie: could not compare face"
            Liveness: {
                ActiveLiveness: {
                    Success: "Face check: Face in the right direction",
                    SelfieNotLive: "Face check: Photo is not live",
                    FaceNotRightDirection: "Face check: Face not in the right direction"
            FieldValidation: {
                ApplicationNumber: "The application number has not passed the validation",
                CountryCode: "The country code has not passed the validation",
                CountryOfBirth: "The country of birth has not passed the validation",
                DateOfBirth: "The date of birth has not passed the validation",
                DateOfExpiry: "The date of expiry has not passed the validation",
                DateOfIssue: "The date of issue has not passed the validation",
                DocumentNumber: "The document number has not passed the validation",
                DocumentSubType: "The document subtype has not passed the validation",
                DocumentType: "The document type has not passed the validation",
                Gender: "The gender has not passed the validation",
                GivenNames: "The given names have not passed the validation",
                Height: "The height has not passed the validation",
                IssuingCountry: "The issuing country has not passed the validation",
                IssuingInstitution: "The issuing institution has not passed the validation",
                MaidenName: "The maiden name has not passed the validation",
                MRZ: "The mrz has not passed the validation",
                Nationality: "The nationality has not passed the validation",
                PartnerName: "The partner name has not passed the validation",
                PersonalNumber: "The personal number has not passed the validation",
                PlaceOfBirth: "The place of birth has not passed the validation",
                Residency: "The residency has not passed the validation",
                SponsorshipNumber: "The sponsorship number has not passed the validation",
                Surname: "The surname has not passed the validation",
                VisaNumber: "The visa number has not passed the validation",
                Weight: "The weight has not passed the validation"
            MrzChecksum: {
                ChecksumValidationError: "We could not verify this document, please try again or try with a different document."
            RequiredFields: {
                DocumentType: "The document type could not be determined",
                DocumentSubType: "The document sub type could not be determined",
                Nationality: "The nationality could not be found on the document",
                DocumentNumber: "The document number could not be found on the document",
                Surname: "The surname could not be found on the document",
                GivenNames: "The given names could not be found on the document",
                DateOfBirth: "The date of birth could not be found on the document",
                PersonalNumber: "The personal number could not be found on the document",
                PlaceOfBirth: "The place of birth could not be found on the document",
                Gender: "The gender could not be found on the document",
                Height: "The height could not be found on the document",
                DateOfIssue: "The date of issue could not be found on the document",
                DateOfExpiry: "The date of expiry could not be found on the document",
                IssuingCountry: "The issuing country could not be found on the document",
                IssuingInstitution: "The issuing institution could not be found on the document",
                Residency: "The residency could not be found on the document",
                MRZ: "The MRZ of the document could not be found",
                Selfie: "The selfie could not be found",
                Picture: "A picture could not be found",
                CapturedSignature: "A signature could not be found",
                Face: "A face could not be found",
                IdentityDocument: "An identity document could not be found"
  • classes {Object} optional

    Additional CSS classes can be added for buttons and links. The following are the current available options:


    classes: {
        introBtn: "", // Start the SDK
        retryCameraPermissionButton: "", // Retry getting camera permission
        reviewPictureRetryBtn: "", // Retry taking the picture in review
        reviewPictureSubmitBtn: "", // Submit the picture in review
        takePictureIDFrontBtn: "", // Take the front picture of the document
        takePictureIDBackBtn: "", // Take the back picture of the document
        takeSelfieBtn: "", // Take a selfie of the user
        extractedDataBtn: "", // Proceed to the next view after showing the extracted data
        retakeIDPicturesBtn: "", // Retake ID pictures in the Extracted Data view
        contactSupportBtn: "", // Link to contact support, opens the email application
        closeModalBtn: "", // Close the modal
        onSuccessBtn: "", // Launch the app when the process is successfully finished
        onFailureBtn: "" // Retry failed steps in case of validation failure
  • colors {Object} optional

    The colors that are used in the UI can be altered by passing a colors object. These are the different options:

    colors: {
      textColor: "#333333", // Main headings
      successColor: "#00CC00", // Success buttons
      errorColor: "#FF0000", // Error buttons and accents
      otherColor: "", // Normal buttons
      backgroundColor: "#fff", // Background of the complete widget
      progressBarBackground: "#EBEFEF",
      progressBarForeground: "" // Inner coloured bar
  • fonts {Object} optional

    The fonts used in the UI can be altered by passing a fonts object. The options are normal and bold fonts.

    Default value (empty):

    fonts: {
        fontName: "",
        boldFontName: ""
  • verifyIncludeList {Array} optional

    The extracted data keys that will be shown to the user after document pictures are processed. By default, all keys are shown. If this config option is provided, then this array will be used as default items.

    Default value:

    verifyIncludeList: [
  • verifyExcludeList {Array} optional

    The extracted data keys that will be hidden for the user after document pictures are processed. By default all keys are shown, but this option enables you to hide some values (see verifyIncludeList above):

    Default value (empty):

    verifyExcludeList: []
  • verifyValidationsIncludeList {Array} optional

    The validations keys that will be shown to the user when there is a validation error after document pictures are processed. By default, all keys are shown. If this config option is provided, then this array will be used as default items.

    Default value:

    verifyValidationsIncludeList: [
  • verifyValidationsExcludeList {Array} optional

    The validations keys that will be hidden for the user when there is a validation error after document pictures are processed. By default all keys are shown, but this option enables you to hide some values (see verifyValidationsIncludeList above):

    Default value (empty):

    verifyValidationsExcludeList: []
  • qrCodeFallback {Boolean} optional

    In case the SDK is being run on a device without camera, the SDK shows a QR code with the current URL so that the user can continue the current session on another device. If you do not want to use or show this QR fallback, set qrCodeFallback to false.

    The default value is true.

  • redirectToMobile {Boolean} optional

    In case you want to force a user to a mobile device, set both qrCodeFallback and redirectToMobile to true. This will always render the QR option on a personal computer, even when a webcam is available.

    The default value is false.

  • enableRealtimeFeedback {Boolean} optional

    If you want to provide real-time feedback to users when capturing a picture of the document under favorable conditions, you can set the enableRealtimeFeedback option to true. This will activate the real-time feedback, which shows visual messages indicating whether it is a good time to take the picture. When the value of enableRealtimeFeedback is set to false, both real-time feedback and auto-capture features will be disabled.

    Note: When enableRealtimeFeedback is set to false, the auto-capture feature will also be disabled.

    The default value is true.

  • enableAutoCapture {Boolean} optional

    If you want to automatically capture a picture of the document under favorable conditions, you can set the enableAutoCapture option to true. This will activate the auto-capture feature, providing real-time feedback for users and removing the button for manually taking a picture. When the value of enableAutoCapture is set to false, the auto-capture feature is disabled, and the button to take a picture will remain visible.

    Note: When enableRealtimeFeedback is set to false, the auto-capture feature will also be disabled.

    The default value is false.

Changing options in runtime

It's also possible to change options during runtime:

klipppaOut = KlippaIDVerification.init({...})
//Stop using the modal
  useModal: false
//replace the auth token
klipppaOut.setOptions({ token:"new token" });
//Open the modal
klipppaOut.setOptions({ isModalOpen:true });

The new options will be shallowly merged with the previous one. So one can pass only the differences to get a new flow.


The following versions are available:

Version Script URL Stylesheet URL Integrity hashes
0.5.6 Script
0.5.5 Script
0.5.4 Script
0.5.3 Script
0.5.2 Script
0.5.1 Script
0.5.0 Script
0.4.4 Script
0.4.3 Script
0.4.2 Script
0.4.1 Script
0.4.0 Script
0.3.9 Script
0.3.8 Script
0.3.7 Script
0.3.6 Script
0.3.5 Script
0.3.4 Script
0.3.3 Script
0.3.2 Script
0.3.1 Script
0.3.0 Script
0.2.0 Script



  • Added logging for better traceability and debugging.
  • Replaced the previous mock contact support email address with the appropriate dummy address.


  • Fixed the issue where the failure screen was displaying before instructing to capture an image of the document’s back side.


  • Fixed the RequiredFields validation errors not showing on Failure screen.


  • Fixed resolution on Android phones. Please note that when using on Android phone with auto-capture and/or live feedback enabled, the document capturing resolution may be lower, which could potentially affect the accuracy of face comparison in the Selfie step.
  • Improved live feedback conditions.
  • Fixed display of Drive License image on Intro screen.


  • Added a new model for better recognition of the back driver’s license.
  • Added hasSuccessScreen to enable/disable the display of the success screen at the en of the session.
  • Added hasIntroScreen to enable/disable the display of the intro screen at the beginning of the session.
  • Added high resolution for pictures.
  • Fixed the issue of reloading the session when finished.
  • Fixed the flow for field validations.


  • Fixed retry flow for face detection and face mismatch.
  • Fixed the issue where the face image was not displayed after taking only the front picture.


  • Added automatic capturing with real-time visual feedback using enableAutoCapture and enableRealtimeFeedback to enable or disable these features.
  • Added the option to skip the passport back picture, which can be set using the session parameter SkipPassportBackPicture.
  • Added presentation of images for document types on the intro screen.
  • Added translations for French, German, and Spanish.
  • Fixed camera mirroring issue.


  • Improved internal logging.
  • Added progress bar.
  • Added face image to result screen.
  • Added verifyValidationsIncludeList and verifyValidationsExcludeList which can be used to include/exclude validation.
  • Fixed issue where taken photo did not format correctly.
  • Fixed issue where selfie viewfinder was not always centered correctly.
  • Fixed issue where some strings were not being translated correctly.
  • Fixed issue where retry would never allow users to take second liveness or backside photo.
  • Fixed issue where extracted data would not always be shown.


  • Add onSupportButtonPressed() event and documentation, this enables implementers to choose their own flow if the “Support Button” is pressed.
  • Add RetryLimit from API support. Meaning that a specified RetryLimit in the session will automatically forward the user after the amount of retries is surpassed.


  • Fix retry flow that would be stuck if a field validation was the only error. Default resumes at TakePictureIdFront


  • Set default camera resolution to 1280x720. Fallbacks to default camera resolution of device if not possible.


  • Minor update containing new styling classes for buttons reviewPictureRetryBtn and reviewPictureSubmitBtn for the review picture step.
  • Changelog typo fixes.
  • Removed a bug where a succesful validation would show a wrong validation message.
  • Removed a bug where a ) would be appended to the validation messages.
  • Corrected review picture mirroring.


  • Better error messages for field validations


  • Better redirect to mobile flow
  • Mirroring is reset for document pictures for better readability in the review step.


  • Add active liveness. It can be enabled by creating the session with RequiredLivenessCount.


  • Better camera functionality


  • Camera mirroring is now correct for all steps on desktop.
  • Added functionality for passive liveness of photo steps with accompanying error messages


  • Wrong tag and replaced by 0.3.4


  • Fixed bug where camera facing outwards would be rotated


  • Camera is now rotated by 180 degrees with respect to the y-axis.


  • Dutch translations have been added. It can be enabled by setting language: 'nl' in the configuration options.


  • The RequiredFields option now enforces that fields are filled. A session cannot be completed successfully if one of the required fields is missing.
  • The redirectToMobile option has been added.


  • Now uses production API by default (unless you’re making a test/debug build NODE_ENV=development). Please note that due to this change you will have also have to call the production API ( from your backend.


Initial version